Woller Auto Parts has a large selection of good quality used auto parts, 1950 and newer in stock. Many parts still attached to the parts cars inventory of approximately 5000 "beautiful wrecks and glamorous bodies". Don is very careful about what he sells to someone. Don makes every effort to be sure that the customer's part ordered is an exact match for their request. The parts are cleaned, inspected, and carefully packaged to insure the customer many good years of service.
Most of our parts are inventoried on a different computer or are in Don's head.
Most of Woller's parts cars range as follows: 1950 and older about 40 cars, 1951-54 around 70 cars, 1955-1960 approximately 200, 1961-1970 at least 1000, 1971-1980 probably 1000, 1981-1990 about 1200, 1991-2000 maybe 400, 2001-current 300.
Regardless of how old or how new your part request maybe....there is a good chance that we can help you.
Give us a try!!
Don believes that if he would purchase it for his own car (and he's really fussy!) then it's good enough to sell!
Enjoy the miscellaneous yard photos. There will be more to come.
Call 719-336-2108 or 800-825-0210 for all your parts needs including engines and transmissions

Don has a large selection of used engines as far back as the early 1950's to almost current. Most engines come from wrecked vehicles. Your asking yourself...."How do you know it's any good? Can one tell if it's dependable?" Well, here is how we check them out unless otherwise stated.
At Woller Auto Parts, the first step is to check how clean the tail pipe residue is. Second step, has the car been cared for and serviced? We check interior cleanliness, excessive wear. Third step, is it full of oil? Is there evidence of blowby or oil leaks? Fourth step, remove all spark plugs and check them for oil deposits. This will tell how the combustion chamber was burning. The next step, screw in a remote oil gauge and then start the engine. Listen for any unusual engine sounds or noises, and check oil pressure. We run the engines 45 minutes to one hour at approximately 3000 rpm's and check for any blue smoke and blowby. If every thing is satisfactory at this point, we run a compression check on all cylinders. This is the final test. When it passes, the engine is restarted and a quart of ATF fluid is poured into the carburetor while revving the engine, severely smoking it and saturating all moving parts with lubericant. The ignition is shut off as the engine rotates to a stop. The engine is now "pickled". Then it is removed, cleaned, sealed, and ready for a new home.
Don alwa;ys said, "If it's good for my car, then I'll sell it."

We keep adding to our inventory. Check back often.
Woller Auto Parts, Don and Gloria Woller, and/or the creator of this website, are not responsible for any mistakes, or incorrect information contained on this website. This includes but is not limited to pricing on: classic cars, trucks, old cars, project cars for sale, parts, photos, accessories, year, make, model, engine, transmission, mileage, or condition restored or unrestored, etc. No warranty is expressed or implied with any of the cars for sale on this website.